Join The Queue

I caught these two ladies during the Bristol Open Doors day on September the 11th. We were in the crypt of Saint Nicholas’ Church, which wasn’t quite as exciting as I hoped as it is used as a base for the local archeological team. It’s full of lockers, shovels, wheelbarrows, and intriguing boxes, some of which are labelled ‘heavy‘ or ‘VERY heavy‘. It definitely smelt like a crypt though. All musty and old and quietly knowing, patiently waiting for the obvious.

These two old ladies were sitting on their chairs, engrossed in their guidebooks, totally oblivious to the fact that I was trying to steady my camera so I didn’t wind up with ~too~ much blur, considering how muted and lazy the light was in there. The fact that they didn’t notice me is a good thing, because all I could think of was that they looked like they were in a waiting room. And a waiting room for a crypt? Probably not really where they wanted to hanging out.

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